Who's buying gold ? Xi is !
Who's buying gold ? Xi is !
In the first quarter of this year, central banks around the world purchased 87.7 tons of gold. That rose to 186 tons for the second quarter, and in the third quarter a whopping 399.3 tons were purchased. A shocking 300 tons of gold was purchased by China alone.
That means China is buying up the world's available gold supply at a pace that dwarfs all the other countries on the planet.
While the United States of America is printing trillions of dollars in "mad money" and trying to wage war with Russia through its proxy state of Ukraine, China is stockpiling gold at truly astonishing levels. BRICS nations, meanwhile, are preparing to launch their new global reserve currency that would challenge dollar dominance and end global reliance on the SWIFT system.
This means the dollar's days are numbered.
More here.