The February free Silver

As announced last month, here's the SECOND new style monthly give away.

I should technically, pre-warn you that the draw is coming in the next few hours, but hey...nah...THIS IS THE ANNOUNCEMENT.

If you're reading this blog entry and it contains no responses below, and you jump in to make the first entry, a one ounce silver Kangaroo will be yours.

BUT THIS MONTH (in fact tomorrow) is my birthda yso I'm giving away 2 on the condition that you add a new free member subscription ! (yes, your dog can be a free member of COINSHOP, as long as he/she can read English, type, and understand Silver)

Yep $110 of silver if you respond and add a new member...else just one coin for you.

So little work, for such immediate and useful gain. Ready, steady, go !