LAUNCH EVENT - The PAY ME SILVER vendor network
A community thank you
For 2 years our small team of locals have been serving the community to educate, supply, vault, and trade precious metals. On 1st Feb 2024 we change up a gear – and invite you to our launch.
The background
From the beginning we’ve been asked to create a vendor community - places you can take your transaction sized silver and gold coins, to use them for trade.Not exactly a new idea right ?Clearly we’re helping to facilitate the every day use of gold and silver, for exchange, as it has been for tens of thousands of years.
The event details
On February 1st, 2024, at 6.30pm, in Castlemaine, we’re hosting an open information session to announce and update our (already active) vendor community.We’d like to welcome you and we invite your registration at the address below.The meeting is for potential vendors, clients, and those interested in learning how our existing silver and gold supply and payment services operate. In anticipation of your interest...thank you, and welcome.