I came, I soar
I came, I soar
Eagles - The Griffin's wing man
There are very few things that give me goose bumps on my goose bumps, but this is one of them.
They say necessity is the Mother of invention, and here is invention, at its finest.
We've become familiar with the 1/10th ounce Eagle, notionally a $10 silver coin...and with your enthusism for it we have, together, stripped the Austraian supply bare - the need for a continuing reliable source is paramount.
Today I announce that COINSHOP has come of age and placed orders DIRCECTLY ON THE USA channel for these coins...
...and in doing so, acquired access for us all to the Eagle, in all its glory, in multiple formats, allowing much greater "transactional coin" flexibility.
Announcing The Eagle series...a $10, $20 and $30 coin form.
Stock is 10-12 days away with an order in play as of this morning (30/9).
If you want to lock in your own access to the 1/10th, 1/4oz and 1/2oz Eagles will be in the store any moment. Yes there's a 7 day special offer. On orders of $300+, mixture of coins of any size, you'll receive a half ounce of silver as a thank you gift. (EXPIRES 7/10)
Or...TXT (0481075287), EMAIL (adam@coin-shop.club) at your leisure.