Announcing 3 more vendors who will graciously accept silver
Markets fell worldwide today, DOW down 4%, ASX 2.4%.
You'ld be forgiven for suggesting this is a precursor to the changes that the technical analysts have been predicting for a few months/years.
You'll also be forgiven if you're one of our silver and gold buyers who are looking for ways to spend their transaction coins (tenth ounce EAGLES, half ounce LIONS, 1 ounce Kangaroos or silver/gold granules as they come in to stock)
Here then are 3 new vendors with service in mind, willing to transact with you in the yellow and white metals.
Bryce Collie - Earthworks and small scale earth moving
Angel - Farm fresh organic vegetables, Poultry, Eggs, Plants, Manure, Chicken feed and more!
Beth Child - writing and editing any documents; sewing; small production management of events, astrology readings
I desperately want to promote all the vendors here, and remnd you that the list is growing fast AND WE NEED MORE of ANY FLAVOUR. Connect me to anyone willing to accept silver/gold please. In time the GRIFFINS vendors will IN FACT, be offered to hold some gold and silver on behalf of COINSHOP...and they'll be rewarded a distributio margin for on selling it.
Please seek the contact details of the vendors above, in the directory, at your leisure. And please share the directory as far/wide as you wish.